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Photo Credits: Merrill Shea


The Mer-Family

Mer-Family Process


Ursula in Process

The Ocean

The Ocean was our dance ensemble. They allowed us to create bodies of water and swimming effects within a space that limits our options to access technological effects. They were also used as the Gulls who tap dance with Scuttle.

Puppets and Other Characters

The puppets were a collaborative effort between Marissa Jesus and me. Marissa was responsible for the Scuttle hat puppet and the hand puppets for Flotsam and Jetsam. Max, the dog, was actually a collaborative effort with most of the cast, who learned to latch hook to pitch in. Flounder and Sebastian were adapted as puppets from plush toys, also collaborating with Marissa.

© 2021 by Jenna Lourenco. Proudly created with 

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